Should you warm up your car in the winter? You might be surprised at the truth of this common myth. And by knowing the truth about this issue, you also stand to save some money. Here’s what you need to know about warming up your car in the winter.
Should You Warm Up Your Car?
It’s a fairly common idea that if the weather is freezing cold outside, then you need to warm up the engine before you head off anywhere. Part of this idea originated decades ago, when cars weren’t made with fuel injectors. Back then, it really was necessary to warm up a car in the winter. But thanks to modern technology, it’s no longer necessary.
Warming up your car in the winter is actually bad for its engine. The best thing for a cold engine in the winter is to drive it immediately and allow it to warm up on the road. And the cabin will actually warm up faster via driving, rather than by idling in your driveway. Try using a car blanket to stay warm while your car heats up.
Save Money By Not Warming Up Your Car
The more your car sits and idles, the more extra fuel gets into the combustion chamber and onto the cylinder walls. Since gas is basically a solvent, too much fuel inside the cylinder walls dissolves the oil that needs to be there for lubrication. Less lubrication of these important engine parts leads to shorter life. Basically, your engine doesn’t last as long and could require more costly repairs. That definitely doesn’t save you any money!
So don’t warm up your car in the winter. Instead, start out at a nice, easy pace until your car warms up from driving. It will warm up faster than you think. This is just one of the realistic money saving tips that work for everyone.
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