So, is coupon clipping really worth your time? The short answer is yes, especially if you like saving as much as you possibly can on your grocery budget each month. Coupon clipping really does save money, but you have to know how to work it to your advantage in order to save the most. Here’s the lowdown!

Coupon clipping facts
The truth is, you don’t necessarily have to pull out your scissors in order to clip coupons and save money on your grocery budget. There are still coupons out there that require clipping–such as those that come in your mail every week–but if you hate the idea of sitting down and cutting coupons out of mailers and store ads, there is a way around it.
Coupon clipping apps
If you like using your smartphone, you’ll be happy to know that it is capable of helping you “clip” coupons, without touching a pair of scissors! All you have to do is download a coupon app. You’ve probably heard of at least one coupon app. How about Ebates or GroceryiQ? If you buy any of your groceries online and then pick them up later, you can get a portion of your money back via Ebates. GroceryiQ helps you find as many coupons as you can, and then delivers them either electronically to your store’s loyalty card. You can also choose to print them at home.

Coupon clipping with store apps
Chances are, your local grocer has their own app where you can load electronic coupons to your customer loyalty account. The next time you shop and purchase an item with a corresponding e-coupon, it automatically deducts from your total when you check out. This is my favorite way to “clip”coupons, because it’s so easy!
How to get the most out of coupons
To really benefit from coupon clipping, you have to plan ahead. Keep track of what coupons you have in hand or loaded electronically, and compare it to sale prices. Use those coupons when the item is on sale for extra savings. If you do get manufacturer’s coupons in your mail, clip the coupons for the things you actually buy. Combine those with sale prices and store coupons when possible for even more savings.
Happy coupon clipping! Did you know you can save even more if you use a list?
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