If money is tight, you might feel like you can’t break the cycle of living paycheck to paycheck. But believe it or not, you can. All you need is a plan and a little self-discipline to stick to it. Here are some tips to stop living paycheck to paycheck. Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck 1. […]
Budgeting Tips and Tricks
6 Holiday Budgeting Ideas (That Aren’t So Boring)
The holidays can be stressful, and it seems that most of that stress has to do with money. Would you agree? Today, let’s talk about holiday budgeting ideas that aren’t so boring that you won’t even try them. But even though budgeting isn’t the most fun thing to discuss, if we can all learn how […]
Easily Live Below Your Means With These 6 App$
To live below your means is to be financially smart. It isn’t a punishment and it doesn’t have to be a drag! Better yet, in today’s smartphone-savvy world, there are apps to help you live below your means. That equates to saving more money and being better prepared for whatever the world might throw at […]
Budgeting With A Purpose: Zero Based Budget
If you’re trying to live by a budget but haven’t nailed down what sort of budget works best for you, time to consider a zero based budget. Rather than just keeping track of your income and expenditures, this particular budget helps you budget with a purpose. Would you like to know more? Keep reading! Zero […]